Guidelines for Author

Authors who intend to submit their work for the ALQALAM: Journal of Islamic Studies, are encouraged to follow the following guidelines:

  • Articles should be original, research-based, unpublished, and not under review for possible publication in other journals.
  • The article contains title, author's name (accompanied by the author's identity and the author's affiliation, email and mobile number), abstract (followed by keywords), introduction (includes background of the problem, brief literature review, research problems, and research objectives), research methods, discussions, conclusions and bibliography (containing references referred to in the description).
  • Article should be written in English between approximately 4000-8000 words including text, all tables and figures, notes, references, and appendices intended for publication.
  • All submissions must include 150-200 words abstract and 4-5 keywords. The abstract contains the background of writing, the purpose of writing, discussion, and conclusions. If the article is the result of field research, it must contain the research method and results. Abstracts and keywords are written in two languages: in Indonesian and English for articles in Indonesian and English and in Indonesian and Arabic for articles in Arabic.
  • Reference sources are recommended using the latest manual and digital library materials (last 5-10 years).
  • The citation system must state the source completely in the form of endnotes using Chicago Style, for example:
    1. Books
      Book with one author
      MA Tihami, Menelusuri Inti Kebudayaan Banten (Serang: LP2M UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, 2018), 25.
      Ayatullah Humaeni, Akulturasi Islam dan Budaya Lokal dalam Magi Banten (Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press, 2014), 46.

      Book with two authors
      Ayatullah Humaeni dan Helmy F.B. Ulumi, 21 Tokoh dan Ulama Banten (Serang: Bantenologi Press, 2016), 58.

      Book with more than two authors
      H.S Suhaedi, dkk., Diaspora Banten di Manado (Studi Kasus di Tomohon dan Kota Manado) (Serang: LP2M UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, 2018), 17.

    2. Articles in Books
      Jamie Seth Davidson dan David Henley, ed., The Revival of Tradition in Indonesian Politics: The Deployment of Adat from Colonialism to Indigenism, Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series 14 (London ; New York: Routledge, 2007), 150.

    3. Articles in Journals/ Magazines
      Mauly Purba, “‘Adat Ni Gondang’: Rules and Structure of the ‘Gondang’ Performance in Pre-Christian Toba Batak ‘Adat’ Practice,” Asian Music 34, no. 1 (2003): 12.

    4. Internet/ Online Sources
      Citing sources from the internet are only allowed from sources that can be accounted for, such as journals, government or private agencies.
      “KPU - Portal Publikasi Pemilihan Umum 2019,” diakses 10 Januari 2019,

  • Bibliography uses Chicago Style:
    1. Books
      Book with one author
      Humaeni, Ayatullah. Akulturasi Islam dan Budaya Lokal dalam Magi Banten. Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press, 2014
      Tihami, MA. Menelusuri Inti Kebudayaan Banten. Serang: LP2M UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, 2018.

      Book with two authors
      Humaeni, Ayatullah, dan Helmy FB Ulumi. 21 Tokoh dan Ulama Banten. Serang: Bantenologi Press, 2018

      Book with more than two authors
      Suhaedi, H.S, dkk. Diaspora Banten di Manado (Studi Kasus di Tomohon dan Kota Manado). Serang: LP2M UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, 2018.

    2. Articles in Books
      Davidson, Jamie Seth, dan David Henley, ed. The Revival of Tradition in Indonesian Politics: The Deployment of Adat from Colonialism to Indigenism. Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series 14. London ; New York: Routledge, 2007.

    3. Articles in Journals/ Magazines
      Purba, Mauly. “‘Adat Ni Gondang’: Rules and Structure of the ‘Gondang’ Performance in Pre-Christian Toba Batak ‘Adat’ Practice.” Asian Music 34, no. 1 (2003): 67–109.

    1. Internet/ Online Sources
      “KPU - Portal PublikasiPemilihanUmum 2019.” Diakses 10 Januari 2019.

  • All submitted papers are subject to review of the editors, editorial board, and blind reviewers. Submissions that violate our guidelines on formatting or length will be rejected without review.
  • Therefore, authors must log in before submit their article in:


Article Template:

Please use this template for submitting a new or revised manuscript to Al Qalam. Using this template and following the guidelines will help us expedite processing of your paper.