About the Journal

Tropical Bioscience : Journal Of Biological Science

Print ISSN 2776-7558, Online ISSN 2776-754X


ABBREVIATION : Trop. Biosci.

FIRST PUBLISH : Vol. 1 No. 1, June 2021 

PUBLISHING PERIOD : Twice per year [June and December], 5-10 articles per issue

FOCUS AND SCOPE Publishes articles covering the fields of botany, zoology, microbiology, ecology, genetics and molecular biology. The journal also publishes articles on the theme of biodiversity in animal, plant and microbes, both at the level of gene, species and ecosystem and their use for humans (ethnobotany). In addition, the articles which published in this journal can also be on the theme of applied / developmental Biology, such as horticulture, agricultural Biology, forestry, biotechnology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics, biochemistry of natural materials. 

MANUSCRIPT TYPE published in this journal can be in the form of research or review papers.

INDEXING This journal is indexed by Google Scholar , GARUDA .

GUIDELINE AND TEMPLATE  The guideline can be seen at the following link: https://bit.ly/3OLs0aO . The template of manuscript can be downloaded at the following link : https://bit.ly/43FcOB2 , the file must be saved in Ms. Word 2003 according to the template.

PLAGIARISM CHECKER The manuscript will be checked for the similarity index using a Turnitin .

PUBLICATION ETHICS STATEMENT Author(s) must make a publication ethics statement during submission process as attached below : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MySLE-XdKNyICeJbUic9iDThgrKL2zzb/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111640609628163682328&rtpof=true&sd=true

MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION just can be conducted via OJS : https://jurnal.uinbanten.ac.id/index.php/tropicalbiosci/about/submissions .

PUBLISHER ADDRESS : Program of Biology, Faculty of Science, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. Jl. Syech Nawawi Al-Bantani Kp. Andamui Kel. Sukawana Kec. Curug Kota Serang 42171, Banten

CONTACT : Please contact via email : tropical.bioscience@uinbanten.ac.id, or Editor Team (Gut Windarsih, email : gut.windarsih@uinbanten.ac.id)