Kafir Bullying: a Strong Fosterer of Radicalism
Kafir Bullying, Radicalism, ExtremismAbstract
This article aims to uncover the role of accusing and swearing at kafir (kafir bullying) in fostering radicalism. Today, kafir bullying is done by many people. Additionally, the threat of radicalism and extremism is displayed because of it. By using qualitative methods, analytical descriptive approaches, and documentary techniques, this research is a type of literature research. A comprehensive description provides a complete picture of the offense between kafir bullying and radicalism. The results of this study reveal that kafir bullying has significant implications in cultivating the essential seeds of radicalism. Efforts to die of kafir bullying habits are significant so that deviations in the nation and state can be overcome early. The feeling of having high beliefs without being based on inclusive understanding makes anyone trapped with kafir swearing that not only harms themselves but also others. This research concludes that bullying infidels have a significant influence on the spread of radicalism and extremism. It's not just about calling people names; This problem fosters an atmosphere of division and hostility that encourages radicalism. A society that embraces diversity and rejects radical ideology must be the goal of efforts to combat infidel bullying, which must be based on education, communication, and dedication to inclusive understanding
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