Qur’an in Everyday Life: The Meaning and Reception of The Qur’an in The Muslim Community of Congaban-Bangkalan


  • Fawaidur Ramdhani STIT Miftahul Ulum Bangkalan
  • Ach. Subaidi AF STIT Miftahul Ulum Bangkalan
  • Moh. Fanani STIT Miftahul Ulum Bangkalan




Qur’an in Every Life, Qur’an Reception, Congaban’s Society, Living Qur’an


This article tries to record how the reception of the Muslim community in Congaban Islamic boarding schools towards the presence of the Qur’an. Congaban is one of the Islamic boarding schools that is thick with the nuances and flavor of the Qur’an. There, the Qur’an lives and blends into the daily lives of its people. This study includes living Qur’an research, using qualitative methods and ethnographic approaches. The results of this study show that the typology of the reception of the Congaban’s people towards the Qur’an can be mapped into three; 1) lovers who prove their love by continuously reading and memorizing the Qur’an; 2) lovers who express their love aesthetically, both through the art of reading the Qur’an (rhythm) and the art of writing the Qur’an (calligraphy); 3) lovers who express their love by revealing the privileges (fadhilah) and moral messages of the Qur’an. The three typologies in turn form or create certain practices and traditions, including the tradition of tahfidz al-Qur’an, recitation of al-Qur’an interpretation (Jalalain), calligraphy al-Qur’an and Khatmil Qur’an. The meanings and expectations of the people of Congaban Islamic boarding school in perceiving the presence of the Qur’an are quite diverse, which can be observed from cultural, theological, psychological, and philosophical perspectives. The meanings and expectations that arise from the many forms of reception of the Qur’an are as an obligation to protect and glorify the Qur’an, to worship, express love, a form of obedience, bring sustenance, draw blessings and others.


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