• The entire manuscript should be typed one and a half-spaced on one side of A4-sized paper, leaving a margin of at least 2.5 cm. on all sides.
  • Use Goudy Old Style font, 12-sized
  • References should be typed one a half-spaced on a separate sheet
  • Use endnotes, not footnotes.
  • Pages should be numbered consecutively throughout
  • American spelling is preferred in Kawalu: Journal of Local Culture. However, British spelling can also be used as long as the author pays attention to the consistency in writing. When writing in Indonesian, the author should refer to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia.

Examples are:

One Author/Editor
Anton Blok, The Mafia of a Sicilian Village 1860-1960: A Study of Violent Peasant Entrepreneurs (Oxford: Polity Press, 1988), p. 25.

Two Or More Authors/Editors
Hotman M. Siahaan and Tjahjo Purnomo W, Pamong Mengabdi Desa: Biografi Mohammad Noer (Surabaya: Yayasan Keluarga Bhakti and Surabaya Post, 1997), p. 73.

Ian Douglas Wilson, "The Politics of Inner Power: The Practice of Pencak Silat in West Java" (Ph.D. dissertation, Murdoch University, 2003), p. 98.

Article in a Volume of Collected Works
Ken Ward, "Soeharto's Javanese Pancasila", in Soeharto's New Order and its legacy, edited by Edward Aspinall and Greg Fealy (Canberra, ANU E Press, 2010)), p. 115

Article in Periodical
Eric R. Wolf, “Aspect of Group Relations in a Complex Society: Mexico”, American Anthropologist 58, No. 6 (1965), p. 1065.

Abbreviated Endnotes
Full Version:

E.J. Hobsbawm, Primitive Rebels: studies in Archaic Forms of Social Movement in the 19th and 20 th Centuries (New York: Norton, 1965), p.23-25.

 Shortened versions:
a) Ibid., p.93
(Used only to refer to a single work cited in the note immediately preceding. Ibid. is not used with the author’s name).

b) Hobsbawm, Primitive Rebels, p.104
(Used to refer to a single work cited earlier in the same chapter, or to differentiate two or more titles by the same author cited in the same chapter).

 Newspaper /Weekly/Daily Publications
The Jakarta Post, 24 January 2007, p.
Kompas, 7 July 1973, p.2

Examples are:

One Author/Editor
Blok, Anton. The Magia of a Sicilian Billage 1860-1960: A Study of Violence Peasant Entrepreneur. Oxford: Pollity Press, 1988.

Two or More Authors/Editors
Siahan, Hotman M and Tjahjo Purnomo W. Pamong Mengabdi Desa: Biografi Mohammad Noer. Surabaya: Yayasan Keluarga Bhakti and Surabaya Post, 1997.

Wilson, Ian Douglas. "The Politics of Inner Power: The Practice of Pencak Silat in West Java". Ph.D. dissertation, Murdoch University, 2003.

Article in a Volume of Collected Works
Ward, Ken. "Soeharto's Javanese Pancasila", in Soeharto's New Order and its legacy, edited by Edward Aspinall and Greg Fealy. Canberra, ANU E Press, 2010.

Article in a Periodical
Wolf, Eric R. “Aspect of Group Relations in a Complex Society: Mexico”, American Anthropologist 58, No. 6 (1965): 1065-1078.

Newspapapers/Weekly/Daily Pulications
The Jakarta Post, 24 January 2007, p.
Kompas, 7 July 1973, p.2