Focus and Scope

Focus and Scope

The subject matters can be published in this journal cover a variety of topics listed below.

  • Materials physics:

Material Fabrication, Characteristics of Material and Functional Properties of Materials

  • Theoretical & Computational physics : 

Nuclear and Elementary Particle physics

  • Instrumentation tracks:

Instrumentation and measurement techniques, Data acquisition systems and real time measurements. Computational intelligence techniques in instrumentation, Instrumentation and methodologies for medical and healthcare system, Sensor technologies, Signal processing techniques.

  • Optics:

All aspects of optics such as optical and photonic materials, quantum optics, adaptive optics, optometry, lasers, spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, ultrafast optics, imaging and Image processing, metamaterials and structured photonic materials, fiber optics technology. biomedical optics, optical sensors, vision and color, and opto-mechatronics.

  • Acoustics :

Physical Acoustics, Sonic Crystal, Metamaterials and Acoustics Materials, Theoretical and Computational Acoustics,  Biomedical Acoustics and Ultrasonics, Music and Speech Processing, Underwater and Signal processing in Acoustics, Environmental and Architectural Acoustics, Structural Acoustics and Vibration, Noise and Vibration Control

  • Geophysics Tracks:

Geodynamics, Seismology, Volcanology, G & G Methods, Near Surface, Geophysics, Energy Resources Management

  • Biophysics Tracks:

Molecular dynamics, biophysical approaches to cell biology, complex biological systems, computational and theoretical biophysics, and membrane biophysics.

  • Medical Physics Tracks: 

Radiation Oncology Physics, Medical Imaging Physics, Nuclear Medicine Physics, Medical Health Physics (Radiation Protection in Medicine), and Non-ionizing Medical Radiation Physics.