Author Guidelines

Writing Guide:

  1. The manuscript may be a conceptual review, research result, or book review.
  2. The manuscript has not been published / published.
  3. The manuscript is written with MS word program, 1.5 spaces on quarto paper, Garamod font, with the number of pages 15-20.
  4. The manuscript can be written in Indonesian and English.
  5. The manuscript can be sent directly to the editorial address or via email: .
  6. The reference list uses the middle note system .
  7. The list of libraries is arranged alphabetically.
  8. Writing system:

Conceptual Review:

  1. Title
  2. Author Name (Affiliate and Email)
  3. Abstract (Indonesia and Foreigner)
  4. Keywords
  5. preliminary
  6. Discussion
  7. Sub Discussion
  8. Sub Discussion
  9. Closing (Conclusion and Suggestions)
  10. Bibliography

Research result :

  1. Title
  2. Author Name (Affiliate and Email)
  3. Abstract (Indonesia and Foreigner)
  4. Keywords
  5. preliminary
  6. Research methods
  7. Research result
  8. Discussion
  9. Closing (Conclusion and Suggestions)
  10. Bibliography