Model Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Arab di SMK Muhammadiyah Kartasura di Era New Normal Covid-19
teaching model, arabic vocabulary, learning in new normal Covid-19Abstract
Learn arabic vocabulary at the Muhammadiyah Vocational School Kartasura offline or face-to-face with students in the class, Arabic teacher's using direct model for teach in front of students in classroom. Steps of learning arabic vocabulary model in Muhammadiyah Vocational School Kartasura is teacher writes the vocabulary on the board, teacher reads the Arabic vocabulary in front of the students and asks students to repeat the reading of the vocabulary on the board, the students write the new vocabulary in the notebook, the teacher asks the students to memorize the vocabulary, teacher asks students to advance one by one, saying the vocabulary they have memorized. Sometimes, teacher gives material to support students in making the sentences because students were not able to form the sentences correctly.
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