About the Journal
Holistic al-Hadis: Jurnal Studi Hadis, published twice a year since 2015 (June and December), is a multilingual (Bahasa, Arabic, and English) peer-reviewed journal, and specializes in hadith of the prophet. This journal is published by the Science of Hadith Department, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin State Islamic University of Banten in partnership with ADIAH (Association of Lecturers of Al-Quran dan Hadith) and ASILHA (Asosiasi Ilmu Hadis Indonesia)
Current Issue

Holistic al-Hadis: Ais a journal that has a focus on Hadith Science and Scientific Integration, published twice a year (January-June) and (July-December). Holistic uses multilingualism (Language, Arabic and English), is peer-reviewed, and specializes in the hadith of the prophet. This journal is published by the Department of Hadith, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Adab, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten in collaboration with ASILHA (Indonesian Hadith Science Association).
In 2023 it was published with Vol. 09. No. 2 July -December 2023