Eksistensi Tuhan Dalam Pandangan Suhrawardi dan Mulla Shadra
Illuminati Philosophy, Suhrawardi, Mulla ShadraAbstract
Islamic philosophy became an interesting discourse and discussion among thinkers in the East as well as in the West in the 19th century until recently and in the history of Islamic philosophy many refer to the scientific tradition of the Islamic religion of the 8th century, especially to the study of Greek texts. The mention of Islamic philosophy is not because it is based on philosophers who do it from Islam, from the Arabs, or in terms of the object of discussion discussing the subject of Islam, but Islam is meant to be the spirit as the spiritual value of an Islamic philosophy. This was seen in Islamic philosophy during the phase after Ibn Rusyd with the name hikmah al-muta'aliyah pioneered by Mulla Shadra and developed by Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul. Thus, in this study, the formulation of the problem studied is how the existence of God in the thought of Suhrawardi and Mulla Shadra using qualitative research methods based on a literature review approach by studying books, literature, notes, and various reports related to the problem to be solved. As for the findings in this study, if Suhrawardi has an Isyraq theory in his philosophy of illumination, where God according to Suhrawardi is the light of all light capable of illuminating the universe "Nur al-Anwar" and that light is the manifestation of infinite reality, because everything created in this universe is an infinite will that belongs to Him. Whereas in the concept of Mulla Shadra's thought is closely related to the makrifat of the being that exists in God, where this form is the highest essence. Because for Mulla Shadra, maujud is not only an object of maujud, but also as an essence that cannot be limited by various mahiyahs that give various appearances, so that maujud with various forms and each existence is free from the other.
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