
Call for Papers


Call for Papers (Al Ahkam)


The editorial board of the Al Ahkam Scientific Journal invites all academics, researchers, and practitioners to submit scientific articles for publication in our journal.

Index Copernicus International:

Focus and Scope
Al-Ahkam aims to promote scientific publication on Law at its broadest sense covering textual, historical and empirical aspects, both classical/medieval and modern and contemporary periods, as the scholarly object of inquiry.

Manuscript Requirements
The submitted articles must meet the following requirements, please ceck our website authors guidelines

Selection Process
The received manuscripts will be reviewed by the journal's editorial board. The review process includes:
-Checking the compliance with the journal's focus and scope.
-Checking the compliance with the manuscript format and length.
-Checking the quality of the manuscript content.

For more information, please contact the following our website

Read more about Call for Papers
Al Ahkam accepted submissions from all over the world. All submitted articles shall be written in English (since Vol.19 No.2 2023), have never been published elsewhere, are original, and are not under consideration for other publications. The Al Ahkam Editorial Board will screen plagiarism using the Turnitin Program to check for plagiarism. If it is found that there is a plagiarism indication (above 20%), the editorial board will automatically reject the manuscript immediately, It is suggested the use of a reference manager, MENDELEY by using Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note) Referencing Guide.
Apologies to the authors, reviewers, editorial team at the Al Ahkam journal because the OJs / Journal Al Ahkam Web was affected by hacker attacks and the OJs / Journal Al Ahkam Web was down, causing some data, meta-data, files to be lost, hopefully our IT Team is always working for the convenience of all parties, Thank you.